Altar Guild

The Altar Guild Welcomes You!

This behind-the-scenes ministry readies the altar, flowers, linens, and Eucharistic vessels and elements, working with clergy in preparation for all services.  Teams of two are responsible for one Sunday each month and for any special services during the following week. The Guild manages flowers for Sundays and special occasions and is responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of the church vestments and frontals.

Altar Guild support is central to preparations for milestone events such as weddings, memorial services, baptisms, and ordinations.  The depth of experience in the Guild and careful attention to detail contribute to the calm dignity and seamless conduct of these very meaningful events in people’s lives. Congregation-wide invitations are extended during Advent for “Greening of the Church,” a popular gathering to prepare the sanctuary for the Christmas season. Participation of congregants in preparation for Lent and Easter also strengthens the sense of community.

Guild Directors always welcome inquiries about new membership. No previous experience, special qualification, or class is required.  New members partner with experienced people for orientation.  Also, those interested in participating in only one aspect of Guild activities are welcome.  Flower arranging and linen repair are examples of this specialized support.  Contact Val Long or Mary Gronholt to learn how you can help support the worship of this faith community.  All men and women are cordially invited to participate.