Weekly Update 13 September 2024


The Rev. Courtney Jones

     The Reverend
     Courtney Jones

“Or look at ships: though they are so large that it takes strong winds to drive them, yet they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great exploits. How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! And the tongue is a fire.” (James 3:4-6)

Most of us grew up with the little rhyme “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” And yet, I’d be willing to bet that right now, if I asked you to think about a time that someone said something unkind to you, you could almost instantly call an example to mind. It could be something that was said decades ago, and yet it is still right there as if it was just uttered. 

There’s a scary truth in our epistle reading from James this week - what we say can have a lasting impact. 

This epistle uses two metaphors to urge the listener to watch what we say. First, the passage compares the tongue to the rudder of a ship. What takes only a moment to say can do years of damage in our interpersonal relationships. I suspect that this is why the scriptures also admonish us to be “quick to listen and slow to speech.” As with a maladjusted rudder, an ill-placed or ill-timed remark can cause us to go wildly off course in our interpersonal relationships. 

Second, this passage compares the tongue to a fire. Having grown up in a semi-arid grasslands, I’m well-aware of what even a little spark can do to kindle a raging prairie fire.  I suspect you all are keenly aware of fire’s power too - it seems like we’ve had smoke on the horizon for days! Like other sources of ignition, James reminds us that the tongue can be a massively destructive force. 

That’s the bad news: what we say can have a disproportionate and lasting impact on other people. 

That’s also the good news too: what we say can have a multiplied and lasting impact on people. 

For instance, I would not be a priest today if my bishop had not said to me, “I think you could be a gifted priest.” It was a simple statement, but in that moment, my bishop gave me permission to discern something that I hadn’t yet been able to work out on my own. These words, spoken by someone who cared about me and knew me well, altered the trajectory of my life. They ignited a calling. 

I’d offer today, as a reflection on this passage from James, that while we absolutely need to train ourselves to not speak destruction into the lives of the people around us, that’s not necessarily an admonishment to be silent. Rather, God is inviting us to be the people who speak encouragement into the world. To be a people who speak invitation into the world. To be a people who speak God’s reconciling love into the world. 


PS - Don’t forget that on Sunday at 12:15, we will have the second session of our discernment series - open to all - downstairs in the conference room. We’ll be taking a deeper dive into our discernment model, and trying to untangle all of the wide variety of acronyms we have in this congregation - TCM, MSC, BC, etc. 

Sunday Services

Sunday, 15 September 2024
The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Year B Proper 19

Chandler’s Square Morning Prayer
9:30 am
Chandler’s Square Retirement Community
1300 “O” Avenue, Anacortes
Presider: Shirley Barrett

Christ Church Holy Eucharist

10:30 am
Christ Church Sanctuary
1216 Seventh Street, Anacortes
The service is also available on YouTube.

Season of Creation
Our celebration of Season of Creation continues through October 6.

Presider: The Rev. Courtney Jones
Deacon: The Rev. Eric Johnson
Homilist: Shirley Barrett
Eucharistic Minister: Melissa Simonsen
Readers: Tom Young, Sharman Badgett-Young
Ushers: Carleton Manning, Creamy Wilkins-Manning
Altar Guild: Martie Arnold, Zoanne Hyland
Bread Ministry: Stephanie Galbraith & Dan Moore
Organist: Lynne Berg
Eucharistic Visitor: John Okerman
No Host Coffee Hour

Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 116: 1-8
James 3:1-12
Mark 8:27-38
Readings may be found in the Episcopal Lectionary.
We are currently using Track 2.

H 409 - The Spacious Firmament on High
H 654 - Day by Day
WLP 757 - Will You Come and Follow Me
LEVAS 31 - KIng of My Life, I Crown Thee Now
LEVAS 136 - I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

Bulletin link 9/15/2024
YouTube Sunday Service Link

Designated Plate Offering
The loose plate offering this Sunday is designated for the Anacortes Salvation Army Food Bank.
If you would like to make a donation by check, please make your check out to Christ Episcopal Church with memo to Salvation Army Food Bank.

Healing Service
A short Healing Service follows the Eucharist service.
All are welcome.

Coffee Hour
No Host Coffee Hour follows the service.
Please join in. All are welcome.

Fall Discernment Series
The next session of our Fall Discernment Series follows the service.


A Joyful Noise September 2024

Find all the September news at A Joyful Noise September 2024.

Fall Discernment Series:
Who Are the Ministers of the Church?

Following the 10:30 am service
Parish Hall Conference Room
Facilitator: The Rev. Courtney Jones

September 15
Alphabet Soup: TCM, MSC, BC 
In a congregation replete with acronyms, it can be difficult to know who does what and who to call about what. This session attempts to untangle that and invite people to consider the ministries to which they are being called. 

Find all the information at
Who Are the Ministers of the Church?

Bishop’s Committee Meeting

Monday, September 16
5:30 pm
Parish Hall Gathering Room
All are welcome to attend.

Midweek Eucharist Service

      The Reverend
   Diane Ramerman  

Wednesday, September 18
Christ Church Sanctuary
Presider: The Rev. Diane Ramerman
Bulletin link 9/18/2024

We will be celebrating the life of Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), who led the Oxford Movement in the Church of England.

All are welcome.

A Visit from an Old Friend

Former congregant Clark McKee will be visiting the Anacortes area in mid-September and will be attending Christ Church’s Sunday service on September 22, along with his granddaughter and grandson-in-law.

We will all have a chance to visit with him at the Coffee Hour following the service. He is looking forward to saying hello to all his old friends at Christ Church.

Centering Prayer

Weekly on Wednesdays
1:15 – 1:45 pm
Christ Church Sanctuary
All are welcome to join in this short, simple service: a Scripture reading, twenty minutes of silence, an intercessory prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer.
Questions? Please contact Maggie Collinge.

Men’s Group

The Men’s Group meets weekly on Fridays.
9:00 – 10:00 am
Parish Hall Gathering Room
Questions? Please contact Deacon Eric Johnson.

The Red Door Thrift Shop

Dawn Jex, Red Door Manager

Dawn Jex

Hello Everyone,

This will be my last weekly update for the month of September as I will be gone for the next two weeks. Debbie will be in charge and she will be a total rockstar! If you need to make any changes to your schedule for the rest of September, please notify Debbie at: 360-685-3493.

I have printed out the draft calendars for October and they are attached to the bulletin board at the shop. I will attach them to this email as well.

We have some shifts available for coverage:
Cashier 10/8 morning, 10/11 Afternoon and 10/4 Afternoon
Clothing Pricer - Thursday 10/17, 10/31 and also all of November and December.
Hard Goods Pricer - Monday 10/28

I've been asked by Nancy Ridgeway to remind everyone that when they hang up women's shirts to make sure you are putting them in the right section. Things have changed in this area so please remember that small and mediums are on the top rod and large and xlarge are on the bottom. Thank you. 

I know many of us are not happy when things change in the store but there is more change coming as we put out winter coats/winter gear and move out summer shorts etc. Things will be moving around so keep a look out to familiarize yourself please. 

I will not be answering calls or emails while I am on vacation but you can still reach me today and tomorrow if you need me. 

Thanks for all that you do to make The Red Door the awesome place that it is!

See y’all soon!

Christ Church’s Red Door Thrift Shop is located at 1019 Seventh Street in Anacortes.
Red Door Thrift Shop

Red Door Shopping Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm

Red Door Donation Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 10am – 1pm
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm

Profits generated at the Red Door Thrift Shop fund Christ Church’s Community Support program.
Shoppers, Volunteers, & Donations are always welcome!

Day by Day

Day by Day daily devotions may be accessed at the following link:
Day by Day Daily Devotion.

Prayer List

Please offer prayers of thanksgiving for the life of Pamela Foggin and keep her husband, Tom, and their family and friends in your prayers.

Carolyn, friend of Sandy
Sally K.
John & Mary
Tony & family, Jennifer, & Brendan, friends & family of Mary


Weekly Update 20 September 2024


Weekly Update 6 September 2024