Weekly Update 6 September 2024


Diane Canington

Mark 7:24-30:
Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre. He entered the house and did not want anyone to know it; yet he could not keep his presence a secret. In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an impure spirit came and fell at his feet.  The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phonecia. She begged Jesus to drive out the demon from her daughter. "First let the children eat all they want," he told her, "for it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." "Lord," she replied, "even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs." Then he told her, "For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter." She went home and found her daughter lying on the bed, and the demon gone.

   Diane Canington

This passage shows Jesus preaching to the Jews when a gentile woman (Greek, in particular) appears among them to beg Jesus to cure her little daughter, who is possessed by a demon.  Jesus is not pleased and tells her it is not right to usurp the time intended for the Jews to request his intervention.  (The "children" are the Jews and the "dogs" are the gentiles.)  When the woman responds, "Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs," Jesus is moved and tells her that the demon has left her daughter.

For me, this is the perfect example of speaking truth to power.

There are many valuable insights for us in this scripture:  speak truth to power in important matters; keep your mind open to new possibilities, and do not assume that you can claim the higher ground. If Jesus can recant, then surely we can be open to  changes in mind and heart.

Sunday Services

Sunday, 8 September 2024
The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Year B Proper 18

Chandler’s Square Holy Eucharist
9:15 am
Chandler’s Square Retirement Community
1300 “O” Avenue, Anacortes
Presider: The Rev. Courtney Jones

Christ Church Holy Eucharist

10:30 am
Christ Church Sanctuary
1216 Seventh Street, Anacortes
The service is also available on YouTube.

Season of Creation
Our celebration of Season of Creation continues through October 6.

Presider: The Rev. Courtney Jones
Deacon: The Rev. Vicki Johnson
Homilist: Melissa Simonsen
Eucharistic Minister: MJ Barrett
Readers: Diane Guinn, John Guinn
Ushers: June Cook, Jim Minton
Altar Guild: June Cook
Bread Ministry: Jim Minton
Organist: Lynne Berg/Mark Perschbacher
Eucharistic Visitor: The Rev. Vicki Johnson
Coffee Hour Host: Myrna McIalwain

Isaiah 35:4-7a
Psalm 146
James 2:1-17
Mark 7:24-37
Readings may be found in the Episcopal Lectionary.
We are currently using Track 2.

H 47 - On This Day, the First of Days
LEVAS 74 - Jesu, Jesu
H 371 - Thou, Whose Almighty Word
H 423 - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
H 412 - Earth and All Stars

Bulletin link 9/8/2024
YouTube Sunday Service Link

Coffee Hour
No Host Coffee Hour follows the service.
Please join in. All are welcome.


A Joyful Noise September 2024

Find all the September news at A Joyful Noise September 2024.

Youth Group

Youth Group meets Wednesday, September 11
6-7:30 pm, beginning with dinner
Parish Hall Gathering Room
All Middle School & High School youth are welcome.

Ordination & Consecration of Our Diocesan Bishop

  The Rev. Dr.        Philip LaBelle

You are invited to attend the ordination and consecration of The Rev. Dr. Philip LaBelle as the Ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia.
Saturday, September 14
11 am
Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue WA
Reception to follow.
Please contact Shirley Barrett for information on carpooling.

Fall Discernment Series:
Who Are the Ministers of the Church?

  The Reverend

Series continues next Sunday, September 15
Following the 10:30 am service
Parish Hall Conference Room
Facilitator: The Rev. Courtney Jones

September 15
Alphabet Soup: TCM, MSC, BC 
In a congregation replete with acronyms, it can be difficult to know who does what and who to call about what. This session attempts to untangle that and invite people to consider the ministries to which they are being called. 

Find all the information at
Who Are the Ministers of the Church?

A Visit from an Old Friend

Former congregant Clark McKee will be visiting the Anacortes area in mid-September and will be attending Christ Church’s Sunday service on September 22, along with his granddaughter and grandson-in-law.

We will all have a chance to visit with him at the Coffee Hour following the service. He is looking forward to saying hello to all his old friends at Christ Church.

Centering Prayer

Weekly on Wednesdays
1:15 – 1:45 pm
Christ Church Sanctuary
All are welcome to join in this short, simple service: a Scripture reading, twenty minutes of silence, an intercessory prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer.
Questions? Please contact Maggie Collinge.

Men’s Group

The Men’s Group meets weekly on Fridays.
9:00 – 10:00 am
Parish Hall Gathering Room
Questions? Please contact Deacon Eric Johnson.

The Red Door Thrift Shop

Dawn Jex, Red Door Manager

Dawn Jex

Hello Everyone,

I have some good news for you! If you are a pricer in the back room, we now have a handy dandy Ipad so that you can research and price items! It has a red cover and the instructions are inside the cover for use. Use it for Google lens, to take a picture and let Google do all the pricing work for you! Thank you Clay for setting this up for us. You can find the Ipad plugged in near my "desk."

We are fully into fall now. All of the red leaves and fallish items are in the shop. Very shortly we will be putting out all of our leather jackets and Harley Gear for Oyster Run which will be on 9/22. If you need a leather jacket, keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages so that you'll know when to stop by the shop.

Right after that we will be "falling" into Halloween items. See what I did there? LOL. And then right into Costumes the first week of October. We will also switch over in the shed from saving winter clothing to saving summer clothing - as of right now. Please and thank you. 

This is a busy time of the year for us and I appreciate those of you who have been answering the call when I need you. Working extra shifts, covering for another volunteer, picking up items on the weekends. You all are really a dream team and I'm proud to work with you. 

Also, if you didn't already know - I will be on vacation 9/14-9/30. Our Assistant Manager, Debbie will be in charge for those two weeks. I will not be answering texts or emails during that time so be sure you know how to get a hold of her. Please and thank you. 

Fall Hugs and Pumpkin Spice Dreams,

Christ Church’s Red Door Thrift Shop is located at 1019 Seventh Street in Anacortes.
Red Door Thrift Shop

Red Door Shopping Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm

Red Door Donation Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 10am – 1pm
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm

Profits generated at the Red Door Thrift Shop fund Christ Church’s Community Support program.
Shoppers, Volunteers, & Donations are always welcome!

Day by Day

Day by Day daily devotions may be accessed at the following link:
Day by Day Daily Devotion.

Prayer List

Carolyn, friend of Sandy
Sally K.
John & Mary
Tony & family, Jennifer, & Brendan, friends & family of Mary


Weekly Update 13 September 2024


A Joyful Noise September 2024