Calendar & Events
Youth Group
Youth Group meets on December 11 this month.
6-7:30 pm, beginning with dinner in the
Parish Hall Gathering Room
We use the Journey to Adulthood (J2A) youth ministry program,
endorsed by the Episcopal Church.
The lessons are organized around self, society, and spirituality and allow youth to explore these themes through discussion, Bible study, games, crafts, and the occasional off-site trip or service project.
Youth Group Leaders are Melissa Simonsen, Mark Perschbacher,
and The Rev. Courtney Jones.
Advent Concert with Trio Affettuoso
Thursday, December 19
Lynne Berg on harpsichord
Shelley Ross on flute
John Flancher on flute & bass
Christ Church Sanctuary
All are welcome.
Blue Christmas
Evening Prayer Service
Saturday, December 21
Christ Church Sanctuary
Please join us for this quiet, contemplative service held on the evening of the winter solstice. This day, which has the longest night and the shortest day, is symbolic of our darker nights when we find ourselves grieving, lonely, or longing for something better.
This Blue service is a beautiful way to make space during the Advent season for those suffering any kind of loss - whether the loss of a person, a dream, finances, stability, health, or more.
Presider: The Rev. Diane Ramerman
All are welcome.
Greening of the Church
The Altar Guild invites you to join them for the Greening of the Church.
Sunday, December 22
Following the 10:30 am service
All are welcome.
Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist
Tuesday, December 24
Christ Church Sanctuary
Presider & Homilist: The Rev. Courtney Jones
All are welcome.
Christmas Day Morning Prayer
Wednesday, December 25
10:30 am
Christ Church Sanctuary
Presider & Homilist: The Rev. Vicki Johnson
All are welcome.
Godly Play
Children’s Faith Formation
Godly Play: Making meaning through story, wonder, and play.
Godly Play meets September-May.
Please check the Weekly Update for specific dates.
Please meet in the Church for the 10:30 am service.
We will leave after the Announcements at the beginning of the service and will be back in time to celebrate the Eucharist with our church family.
All ages are welcome.
Learn about Christ Church’s faith formation program for children at
Godly Play.