Frequently Asked Questions

Church FAQs

We get asked many questions by visitors, newcomers, friends and neighbors.

Here’s a list of questions to help you get to know Christ Episcopal Church a little better.

  • Sundays at 10:30am

  • Episcopalians are members of the Episcopal Church, a Christian denomination rooted in the Anglican tradition. They emphasize a balance of scripture, tradition, and reason in their faith practice.

    Known for their inclusive and welcoming community, Episcopalians value liturgical worship, the sacraments, and social justice.

    They are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion and uphold a tradition of clergy and laity working together in church governance.

  • We believe in one God, creator of all. Jesus Christ, God's only Son, became human to reveal God's love and free us from sin.

    The Holy Spirit guides us in truth and helps us grow in Christ. We uphold the Bible as God's Word and believe the Church's mission is to unite people with God and each other through worship, the Gospel, and promoting justice and love.

    For more details click here.

  • Total Common Ministry (TCM) means roles within the church, both ordained and non-ordained, are fulfilled by members of the congregation who are called, trained, and empowered to serve.

    This approach recognizes and nurtures the diverse gifts of all members, encouraging active participation in various ministries. TCM emphasizes that every member has a vital role in the church's mission, fostering a collaborative and inclusive community where leadership and service are shared responsibilities.

    This model promotes a sense of ownership and engagement, strengthening the church's ability to serve both its congregation and the wider community.

  • Primarily the NRSV.

  • Our church uses readings from the Episcopal Lectionary and prayers from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer.

  • Yes, the Episcopal Church recognizes seven sacraments in the Book of Common Prayer: Holy Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Reconciliation, Unction of the Sick, and Ordination.

    Holy Eucharist is offered at our services in the form of bread and wine.

    We celebrate the sacraments as outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, central to our worship and faith practice.

  • Nope, all are welcome!

    We have a diverse community that includes cradle Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, agnostics, atheists, and the undecided. Everyone is invited to join us, regardless of their background or beliefs.

  • Our church, founded in 1880, has grown into a healthy and vibrant congregation. Although we're in a small town, we maintain a close-knit community with about 50 people attending on average.

  • We have a diverse congregation that spans generations, from young children in elementary school to seniors in their 90s.

    You'll find a wide range of backgrounds and experiences among our members – families, professionals, retirees, lifelong residents, and newcomers to Anacortes.

    But what truly defines us is our welcoming spirit – everyone, regardless of background or age, is embraced as part of our church family.

  • At Christ Episcopal, we offer engaging programs for children and youth. During services, we have Godly Play sessions where teachers explore weekly readings through interactive play. We also have a vibrant youth group and offer various camps throughout the year, providing enriching experiences for all ages to grow in faith and community.

  • Our services at Christ Episcopal include prayers, readings from the Bible, a homily or sermon, communion, singing hymns, and a special moment called "The Peace," where we greet one another by shaking hands and wishing the peace of the Lord. Organ music and the participation of a small choir enhance our worship, creating a welcoming and spiritually enriching atmosphere.

  • Yes, anyone is welcome to take communion at Christ Episcopal. Even if you do not wish to receive bread or wine, you can come forward for a blessing from the priest.

    We embrace all who join us in worship, inviting everyone to participate in the sacraments according to their comfort and beliefs.

  • Yes, there are moments in our services where the presider will invite everyone to "stand as you're able."

    We provide kneeling pillows or blocks for those who prefer to kneel, but we do not have set kneelers as an official part of our services except when we go up to receive communion.

  • No, we have a wide range of attire among our congregation. Some come in jeans and a shirt, while others may wear suits. It doesn't matter what you wear; come as you are and in whatever makes you comfortable to worship with us.

  • There is ample street parking available on surrounding streets. Most people park on M Ave or 7th St, which are convenient options near our church.

  • We have a variety of ministry teams at Christ Episcopal, including adult faith formation, altar guild, building and grounds, education for ministry, men's group, pastoral care, prayer shawls, and women's group. Each team plays a crucial role in supporting our community and fostering spiritual growth among our members.

  • Contact Deacon Eric Johnson at

Contact Us

1216 7th St
Anacortes, WA 98221