
Adult Faith Formation

Sundays at 9:00am in the Parish Hall.

Adult Faith Formation is the lifelong journey of discovering and deepening our love for God amid the complexities of our human existence. This ministry aims to support, nourish, and challenge adults as they explore their beliefs on a continual quest of faith.

Altar Guild

This behind-the-scenes ministry readies the altar, flowers, and linens, and manages special events like weddings and baptisms. Teams of two members handle responsibilities each month, with congregational involvement in events like the "Greening of the Church" during Advent fostering community engagement.

Buildings & Grounds

The Maintenance Committee manages upkeep for the church and its facilities, including landscape maintenance, repairs, and inspections of HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems. They coordinate outside contractors for major repairs while occasional work parties engage the congregation and foster community spirit.

Education for Ministry (EfM)

EfM is a four-year program supporting Christian ministry through group reflection and study. Participants engage in assigned readings, theological reflection, and shared stories to deepen their understanding of Christian tradition and ministry. Recent topics include multicultural living and dismantling racism, with upcoming study focusing on spiritual maturity.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care encompasses various forms of support, including hospital visits, home bound communion, counseling, and compassionate presence during times of need. It offers emotional, social, and spiritual sustenance, often extended through prayer, reflecting Christ's love and justice. Lay Pastoral Care Teams, comprising individuals with diverse skills and a shared commitment to service, provide vital support, particularly to older adults.

Women’s Group

The Women's Group at our church provides a supportive and nurturing environment where women can grow spiritually, build meaningful relationships, and serve the community together. Through regular meetings, Bible studies, retreats, and various service projects, members encourage one another in their faith journeys and work collectively to address the needs of the congregation and beyond. This ministry empowers women to live out their faith in everyday life.

Mutual Ministry Plan

Mutual Ministry at Christ Episcopal is guided by a shared commitment between the Interim Vicar and the congregation. This agreement encourages and leads congregants to discern and share their gifts through Total Common Ministry, offers compelling liturgical and educational programs, and fosters an inclusive, just, and loving community in Christ.

Prayer Shawls

The Prayer Shawl Ministry, composed of knitters of all skill levels, gathers for fellowship and to pray for those in need of spiritual comfort, including congregation members, their friends, and family. The church provides yarn and materials. Shawls are blessed during a church service and presented to individuals suggested by congregation members, with recipients prayed for at each meeting.

Youth Faith Formation

Christ Church’s faith formation program for children is called Godly Play.

We meet most Sundays. Please refer to the Weekly Update for scheduled dates. Children should gather in the Church for the 10:30 am service, where we will depart after the announcements at the beginning of the service and return in time to participate in the Eucharist with our church family. All ages are welcome to join.

Men’s Group

Fridays from 9:00am-10:00am in the Parish Hall.

Our Men's Ministry offers a space for men to grow in faith, build relationships, and develop leadership skills. We provide a welcoming environment for men to connect with the church and each other, discussing various topics from personal struggles to broader issues through a Christian lens.

The College of Congressional Development

The College of Congregational Development offers comprehensive training for lay and clergy leaders, drawing from various theories and practices to nurture practitioners in fostering healthy congregations. Training options include four two-day sessions over two years or two seven-day intensives over two summers (

Contact Us

1216 7th St
Anacortes, WA 98221