A Joyful Noise November 2024
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
Senior Warden Message
Grace Minton, Senior Warden
Grace Minton
Love Thy Neighbor
He said to him “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”
We are entering a season of change--days are much shorter and cooler, a new Presiding Bishop is being consecrated on November 2nd, the election looms close, and even at Christ Church things are changing. Half of the Bishop’s Committee will complete their terms at the end of this year and with new lay leadership, change is inevitable and welcome.
I found an article by Peter Marty in my favorite journal, Christian Century, where he proposes that “’Love your neighbor’ is not a metaphor. It’s a commandment to love the next person we encounter as much as, and as well as, we happen to love ourselves. This can be a tall order for congregations more accustomed to fussing over interior traditions than knowing the lives of people across the street.” It can be so easy to relax into our polite and well-dressed church selves while ignoring the needs of the unhoused or those suffering from food insecurity or those workers on the margins of our society. We are offended by the sound of leaf-blowers on Sunday mornings while overlooking the fact that those folks often have no choice but to work every day.
During the past few weeks my husband Jim and I have been the recipients of prayers from so many of you, for which we are very grateful. His surgeon performed perfectly, all of the nurses and staff were helpful and encouraging and, by the time you read this, Jim may be back in church! Prayer works! Perhaps you will join me in praying for a more equitable and loving future for ourselves, our neighbors, and our country.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-19)
November 3, All Saints’ Sunday
10:30 am Service
On this special Sunday, we’ll commemorate the saints and remember our departed loved ones. You are invited to light a candle at the beginning of the service in remembrance of the faithful departed.
The service will conclude with a Remembrance at the Memorial Garden.
This Sunday is also Ingathering Sunday, when we joyfully gather our 2025 pledge cards for a blessing. There will be a special Coffee Hour, hosted by the Stewardship Committee, following the service. All are welcome.
Our Fall Discernment Series, with Rev. Courtney, continues this Sunday, following the service and Coffee Hour.
Fall Discernment Series
The Reverend
Courtney Jones
Our Fall Discernment series continues on November 3 & 17.
Following the 10:30 am service
Parish Hall Conference Room
Facilitator: The Rev. Courtney Jones
November 3 - Models of Ministry
This session will focus on what it means to be bi-vocational, and how TCM fits into the bi-vocational umbrella. We will hear insights from our crew who will have just attended a bi-vocational ministry gathering at Camp Allen in TX!
November 17 - Where Do We Go from Here?
This session is meant to bring together the discernment work from the Spring and Fall and invite people into a “Season of Formation” in the new liturgical year.
Find all the information at
Who Are the Ministers of the Church?
An Election Message from Bishop LaBelle
Bishop LaBelle
"...as we go to the polls... may we be reminded to vote for hope and love. For those who have been marginalized in our communities, that they might be lifted up to build the place that we want to live in, where all people are seen as they are, and that we treat them with dignity, and love, and respect."
Bishop LaBelle shares his reflections and reminds us of Jesus' call to love one another during this fraught election season.
Fear Not: Embracing the Call to Love - An Election Message from Bishop LaBelle
Electiontide Services
Election Night Evening Prayer
Tuesday, November 5
Christ Church Sanctuary
Take a break from watching the election results to gather in the church for an hour of prayers for our country.
Presider: The Rev. Eric Johnson
All are welcome.
Electiontide Mid-Day Mass
Wednesday, November 6
Christ Church Sanctuary
Presider: The Rev. Courtney Jones
All are welcome.
Coffee Hour will follow the service.
Join in celebrating a mid-day communion service commemorating former Archbishop of Canterbury William Temple. This Mass is meant to remind us that, regardless of the outcome of the election, “we are one body, because we all share one bread and one cup.”
The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia 2024 Convention
Sharman Badgett-Young
Tom and I were Christ Church’s delegates to the Diocesan Convention in Tacoma, WA, on October 25-26, 2024. Conventions were not a new experience for us, but this was our first Christian conference. Others from Christ Church in attendance were Deacons Eric Johnson and Vicki Johnson, MJ Barrett, Shirley Barrett, Maja Simonsen, who had gone on the 2024 Youth Sailing Trip, and Rev. Courtney Jones. Melissa Simonsen also stopped in.
Day 1 provided break-out sessions. We each chose four out of the 36 offerings. Practical workshops included church record-keeping, the Diocesan 2025 budget, and digital evangelism. Presentations about activities in our diocese included Pan-African Ministries, holding an Eco-event to slow climate change, and refugee resettlement. Other workshop contributions includeda theological reflection on artificial Intelligence (AI); congregational resources for becoming beloved community; and ways to rest, reflect and find renewal (the title focus of the conference). MJ, who was a leader at the LGBTQ+ panel, was pleased with how the workshop was received. I wish I could have attended more than four.
Over dinner, we got to ask questions of our new bishop, Philip LaBelle, to get to know him. What fun! I found Bishop Phil thoughtful, warm, open, self-effacing, and gifted with a joyful sense of humor. He shared that he enjoys walking, kayaking, quiet contemplation and the Daily Examen as spiritual practices and that reading and keeping a gratitude journal helped him in his spiritual development.
On day 2, instead of workshops, we entered the business portion of the conference, where reports were read, videos enjoyed, and votes tallied. Tom’s and my roles as delegates meant we voted via keypads on candidates and resolutions. Candidates were elected by majorities of both delegates and clergy, so when several candidates competed for an office, multiple ballots might be needed, an interesting process. Rev. Courtney was elected as at-large clergy on the Diocesan Council, adding to her already busy schedule. She appeared excited by her new role.
Worship was another segment of the convention, beginning with evening prayer on Friday night. On Saturday we had a full Eucharist and healing service, with an address by the bishop. This was the highlight of the weekend for me. I encourage you to hear Bishop Phil’s sermon, (Bishop LaBelle’s Convention Address at the 114th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia) which I found heartfelt and meaningful, an excellent introduction to his way of contributing. We also took part in noonday and closing prayer and song, which kept us focused until the end of the day.
During breaks between activities, we stopped at some of the 29 exhibits and collected information about activities and educational opportunities across the Diocese. I learned so much!
Youth Group
Youth Group will meet on November 13 & 27 .
6-7:30 pm, beginning with dinner
Parish Hall Gathering Room
We use the Journey to Adulthood (J2A) youth ministry program, endorsed by the Episcopal Church. The lessons are organized around self, society, and spirituality and allow youth to explore these themes through discussion, Bible study, games, crafts, and the occasional off-site trip or service project.
Youth Group Leaders are Melissa Simonsen, Mark Perschbacher, and The Rev. Courtney Jones.
November Designated Plate Offering
The plate offering on Sunday, November 17, is designated for the Anacortes Family Center.
The Anacortes Family Center provides a comprehensive approach to serve women and families with children. AFC creates an individualized plan to help each family reach self-sufficiency, with the goal of ending their reliance on social services. The program includes homelessness prevention, emergency shelter, transformative housing, and affordable housing. The emergency shelter offers a safe place for those in urgent need. Seventy percent of the clients they serve have experienced domestic violence, and eighty percent face some level of mental health challenge. Intensive case management helps clients identify barriers and set short and long-term goals and achieve self-sufficiency by the end their sixty to ninety-day program. AFC's holistic approach includes access to health care, budgeting, life skill classes, legal assistance, and mental health counseling.
Learn more at Anacortes Family Center.
Donations by check should be made to Christ Church with Anacortes Family Center in the memo line. Thank you!
Bishop’s Committee Meeting
The Bishop’s Committee meets on Monday, November 18.
5:30 – 7:30 pm
Parish Hall Gathering Room & Zoom.
All are welcome to attend.
Red Door Thrift Shop
Christ Church’s Red Door Thrift Shop is located at 1019 Seventh Street in Anacortes.
360-293-8027, Red Door Thrift Shop
Red Door Shopping Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm
Red Door Donation Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 10am – 1pm
Profits generated at the Red Door Thrift Shop fund Christ Church’s Community Support program.
Shoppers, Volunteers, & Donations are always welcome!
Happy Birthday Wishes to…
…Siriana Simonsen on November 11
Please send the month & date of your birthday, baptismal date, anniversary, and/or other special occasions so we can help you celebrate your blessings in the Joyful Noise.
Sunday Services
Please check your Weekly Update for each week’s Servers & Hymns.
3 November 2024
All Saints’ Sunday
9:30 am Chandler’s Square Morning Prayer
Chandler’s Square Retirement Community
1300 O Avenue, Anacortes
10:30 am Christ Church Holy Eucharist
Christ Church Sanctuary
1216 Seventh Street, Anacortes
Presider: The Reverend Courtney Jones
Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 24
Revelation 21:1-6a
John 11:32-44
10 November 2024
The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Proper 27
9:15 am Chandler’s Square Holy Eucharist
Chandler’s Square Retirement Community
Presider: The Reverend Keith Axberg
1300 O Avenue, Anacortes
10:30 am Christ Church Holy Eucharist
Christ Church Sanctuary
1216 Seventh Street, Anacortes
Presider: The Reverend Keith Axberg
1 Kings 17:8-16
Psalm 146
Hebrews 9:24-28
Mark 12:38-44
17 November 2024
The Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Proper 28
9:30 am Chandler’s Square Morning Prayer
Chandler’s Square Retirement Community
10:30 am Christ Church Holy Eucharist
Christ Church Sanctuary
Presider: The Reverend Courtney Jones
Daniel 12:1-3
Psalm 16
Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25
Mark 13:1-8
24 November 2024
Christ the King Sunday
9:30 am Chandler’s Square Morning Prayer
Chandler’s Square Retirement Community
10:30 am Christ Church Morning Prayer
Christ Church Sanctuary
Presider: Melissa Simonsen
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
Psalm 93
Revelation 1:4b-8
John 18:33-37