Weekly Update 14 February 2025


June Cook

June Cook

There’s something very refreshing in frigid temperatures and a blanket of snow. It’s as if we begin anew, the mud, roadside trash, and clutter are hidden under the blanket, for a time, at least. Cold temperatures promise to eradicate or slow the growth of pathogens that cause disease.....and put an extra bounce in the step. We’re invigorated!

OK, so maybe this is my romanticized idea of growing up in Minnesota! The snow and cold, if only for a week or two here in Anacortes, does take me back to snowsuits and mittens.

As we move toward the season of Lent, I’m looking forward to the Easter miracle when fractious politics, war, homelessness, discord, and all the other ills our world can throw at us are blanketed in the redeeming love and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ risen. How long that love and peace will calm our anxiety and dis-ease depends, of course, on the strength of our faith. May we all hold fast to the promises in scripture that are our true inheritance.

Sunday Services

Sunday, 16 February 2025
The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Year C

Chandler’s Square Morning Prayer
9:30 am
Chandler’s Square Retirement Community
1300 “O” Avenue, Anacortes
Presider: June Cook

Christ Church Holy Eucharist

10:30 am
Christ Church Sanctuary
1216 Seventh Street, Anacortes
The service is also available on YouTube.

Presider: The Rev. Courtney Jones
Deacon: The Rev. Eric Johnson
Homilist: Ed Barton
Eucharistic Minister: Ed Barton
Readers: Tom Young, Sharman Badgett-Young
Ushers: Carleton Manning, Creamy Wilkins-Manning
Altar Guild: Martie Arnold, Zoanne Hyland
Bread Ministry: Stephanie Galbraith, Dan Moore
Organist: Lynne Berg
Eucharistic Visitor: The Rev. Eric Johnson
Coffee Hour Hosts:

Jeremiah 17:5-10
Psalm 1
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6:17-26
Readings may be found in the Episcopal Lectionary.

H 423 - Immortal, Invisible
WLP 773 - Heal Me, Hands of Jesus
H 493 - O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
H 663 - The Lord My God My Shepherd Is
H 544 - Jesus Shall Reign

Bulletin link 02/16/2025
YouTube Sunday Service Link

Designated Plate Offering
The loose plate offering this Sunday is designated for the Anacortes Boys & Girls Club. Donations by check should be made out to Christ Episcopal Church with “Anacortes Boys & Girls Club” in the memo. Thank you!

Healing Prayer
A short Healing Prayer service will follow the Eucharist service.

Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour follows the service. All are welcome.

Faith Formation Series with Rev. Courtney
I Will with God’s Help

12:30 pm
Parish Hall Conference Room
This Sunday’s Class:
The Prayers
Will you continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers? - An introduction to the Daily Office, other ways to pray, and an assessment of your "spiritual style" (spoiler alert: I'm going to ask you to shake things up for Lent.)


A Joyful Noise

Find all the February news at A Joyful Noise February 2025.

Bishop’s Committee Meeting

Monday, February 17
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Parish Hall Gathering Room & Zoom.
All are welcome to attend.

Centering Prayer

Weekly on Wednesdays
1:15 – 1:45 pm
Christ Church Sanctuary
All are welcome to join in this short, simple service: a Scripture reading, twenty minutes of silence, an intercessory prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer.
Questions? Please contact Maggie Collinge.

Men’s Group

The Men’s Group meets weekly on Fridays.
9:00 – 10:00 am
Parish Hall Gathering Room
Questions? Please contact Deacon Eric Johnson.

The Red Door Thrift Shop
Weekly News

Dawn Jex, Red Door Manager

Dawn Jex

Hello all of you Wonderful People and Happy Valentine Week!

We are already in the middle of February and It's a short month so it's going to go quickly!

For those of you who know Sharon Hough, she has been a greeter here at The Red Door for at least as long as I have been here. Sharon recently lost the ability to drive her own car so she will no longer be our Thursday morning greeter. Thank you Sharon for all of your years of service at TRD! We will miss you. 

Yesterday I had a conversation with Ashley Wick from The Anacortes Family Center. She is their Resource and Care coordinator. She goes out into the community weekly to see how they can help the members of our community who are currently unhomed. We are going to help Ashely by saving her the coats that we would not sell in the shop. I will put a box out there today. Please put in her box: coats that we would not sell such as:  with company logos, slight wear.  

Please make sure that you have Debbie Wilson's phone number in your contacts. It is: 360-685-3493. Debbie will be running the shop later this month as I will be out of town the 19th through the 26th. If you need anything, or will be missing your shift please give her a call or a text. 

Some of you messaged me about volunteering for Habitat for Humanity to help with my sweat equity hours. The volunteer coordinator is Debbie Honan. Her phone number is 360-333-5353 and her email is: VolunteerCoordinator@skagithabitat.com. Be sure to tell her you are on team Dawn. 

Since we recently had some folks coming in looking for help with food, I have compiled a list of food resources for people in our community. I will have a few copies up by the cash register that we can hand out to people if needed. I'll try to get that done this week. 

Big Hugs to Everyone!

Know that you are loved and appreciated!

Christ Church’s Red Door Thrift Shop is located at 1019 Seventh Street in Anacortes.
Red Door Thrift Shop

Red Door Shopping Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm

Red Door Donation Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 10am – 1pm
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm

Profits generated at the Red Door Thrift Shop fund Christ Church’s Community Support program.
Shoppers, Volunteers, & Donations are always welcome!

Day by Day

Day by Day daily devotions may be accessed at the following link:
Day by Day Daily Devotion.

Prayer List

John & Mary
Tony & family, Brendan, and Jennifer, family & friends of Mary


Weekly Update 21 February 2025


Weekly Update 7 February 2025