Weekly Update 24 January 2025


The Rev. Eric Johnson

The Reverend
Eric Johnson

In the last couple of months, at least a dozen people have said to me, “I quit watching and reading the news on November the 6th and I don’t plan to read anything political until 2029.”

Even though I’m a certified political addict with subscriptions to five newspapers—I’ve also been tempted to pull the covers over my head, ignore what’s going on around me, and ride out the next four years. In any event, I don’t expect that Presidential Executive Orders will personally hurt me too badly. After all, I’m a straight, male Boomer on a retirement plan and was born in the USA. Although my taxes did go up during the Administration of No. 45, I don’t fear being deported, unlike many Dreamers, and I don’t think that the Department of Justice will investigate anything I write for the Joyful Noise. I could hunker down in my house in Skyline and not worry about anyone else.

However, that is not an option for me. I am an Episcopalian. I renew my Baptismal covenant four times a year.

I promise to seek and serve Christ in all persons, strive for justice and peace among all people and to respect the dignity of every human being.

I have been commanded—by Jesus himself—to feed the hungry, provide water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, care for the sick, visit the prisoner and welcome foreigners. These commands are non-negotiable.

The election of those who turn their back on these teachings should serve to kick-start us into using the gifts that God has given us to reinvigorate our care for humanity and for those who live in fear of persecution.

Every week at Holy Eucharist we pray that “we repent of the evil that enslaves us, the evil we have done, and the evil done on our behalf.” I fear that the Lord would be ashamed of many of us—and I’m talking to myself here—for wanting to ignore all the faces of Jesus among us.

Sunday Services

Sunday, 26 January 2025
The Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Year C

Chandler’s Square Morning Prayer
9:30 am
Chandler’s Square Retirement Community
1300 “O” Avenue, Anacortes
Presider: Shirley Barrett

Christ Church Holy Eucharist

10:30 am
Christ Church Sanctuary
1216 Seventh Street, Anacortes
The service is also available on YouTube.

Presider: The Rev. Courtney Jones
Deacons: The Rev. Eric Johnson, The Rev. Vicki Johnson
Homilist: Sharman Badgett-Young
Eucharistic Minister: Melissa Simonsen
Readers: Jason Wells, Tierney Wells
Ushers: Carleton Manning, Creamy Wilkins-Manning
Altar Guild: Martie Arnold, Zoanne Hyland
Bread Ministry: Stephanie Galbraith, Dan Moore
Organist: Lynne Berg
Coffee Hour Host: Hospitality Ministry

Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Luke 4:14-21
Readings may be found in the Episcopal Lectionary.

VF 79 - Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ
LEVAS 115 - Spirit of the Living God
LEVAS 116 - Let It Breathe on Me
H 440 - Blessed Jesus at Thy Word
LEVAS 114 - Every Time I Feel the Spirit

Bulletin link 01/26/2025
YouTube Sunday Service Link

Commissioning of the Pastoral Care Team
This Sunday’s service will include the Commissioning of those called to the Pastoral Care Ministry.

Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting follows the service, in the Parish Hall Gathering Room.
We will be electing four Bishop’s Committee members and our 2025 Diocesan Convention Delegates and Alternates. We will take a look back at 2024 and a look ahead at 2025. The 2025 Operating Fund Budget, which has been approved by the Bishop’s Committee, will be presented.

The following candidates will be presented for election:
Bishop’s Committee
Three-year term: Geoff Holmes, Margaret Whatley
Two-year term: Kris Whitely
Young Adult One-year term: Siriana Simonsen

Diocesan Convention Delegates
Ed Barton
Emily Sander

Diocesan Convention Alternates
Stephanie Galbraith
Dan Moore

Nominations will also be taken from the floor in all categories.

Please join in. Your participation is important to the life of our church.
And……our Hospitality Ministry has a delicious brunch planned for you!
All are welcome.


Faith Formation Update from Reverend Courtney

The Rev. Courtney Jones

Winter/Spring Formation Options

I wanted to let you all know about some exciting formation options for this Winter/Spring:

Adult Confirmation Class (Zoom): A Zoom-based, diocesan-wide confirmation class for adults. You don’t necessarily have to plan to be confirmed or received to attend - it is “for those who would like to know more about the church and are seeking to better understand the tenets of this faith tradition.” It will be offered on Sunday evenings and taught by various Diocese instructors, including our new Bishop, Phil Labelle. The series starts on February 23rd and meets weekly via Zoom until Cathedral Day (May 3rd). (Note: this course can be used as baptism prep, but you’ll need to let me know that you’re attending so that I can schedule your baptism at Christ Church!)

For more information, please visit:

Youth Confirmation Class (Zoom): The Diocese is once again offering a Zoom-based confirmation class for teens. This is a great way for teens in our congregation to connect to the wider diocesan community of youth! Here’s some info about the course taken from the Diocesan website: On Sunday evenings, starting February 16 through April 27, from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. we will be working our way through a curriculum called “Confirm Not Conform.” This curriculum is designed to encourage and invite youth to ask the hard questions and grapple with their own understanding of what they believe and why. Facilitated small group break-outs will provide time for conversation with peers of the same age. 

(Note: this course can be used as baptism prep, but you’ll need to let me know that you’re attending so that I can schedule your baptism at Christ Church!)

For more information, please visit: 

I Will, With God’s Help (in person, Parish Hall):  This series is a deep dive into the Baptismal Covenant meant to: (a) help newcomers engage with what we believe in the Episcopal Church; and (b) challenge leaders in the Church to think about how Christ Church is living into our Baptismal Promises. As such, the course materials are targeted toward two different groups:  (1) Inquirers, those considering baptism, confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation of their baptismal vows; and (2) Emerging leaders - those in lay leadership positions or moving into lay leadership positions (such as BC, MSC, and chairs of various ministries). The course will explore what it means to be baptized and confirmed, and will include discussions of the sacraments and sacramental rites of: Baptism, Eucharist, Confession, Holy Unction, and Confirmation. Bring your questions or bring your expertise - there’s room for both in this series, which is meant to be a ministry toolkit for all! 

Rev. Courtney will be facilitating this series. For more information, please visit: https://sites.google.com/view/iwillwithgodshelp/home

You can use any of the three above classes for baptism or confirmation prep if that is something that you’re interested in! Please let me know if you have any questions!

Also, be on the lookout for new offerings during Lent this year. One such offering will be a regular (Zoom-based) “Episco-Questions” session for those attending any of the above three formation offerings who are curious to know more! We will also have a Rule of Life small group for those of you who are interested in engaging in a Holy Lent with the support of others. I am working to schedule a couple of informational sessions about how to prepare a rule of life for Lent and will send out more information in a later message. 


Post-Inauguration Prayer Service Homily

The Right Rev. Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington D.C., delivered the homily at a post-inauguration prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral. 

The Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde Homily

Centering Prayer

Weekly on Wednesdays
1:15 – 1:45 pm
Christ Church Sanctuary
All are welcome to join in this short, simple service: a Scripture reading, twenty minutes of silence, an intercessory prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer.
Questions? Please contact Maggie Collinge.

Men’s Group

The Men’s Group meets weekly on Fridays.
9:00 – 10:00 am
Parish Hall Gathering Room
Questions? Please contact Deacon Eric Johnson.

Gentle Yoga Class

Saturdays, 10-11 am
In February, class will meet on the 1st, 8th, & 15th.
Instructor: Dawn Jex
Parish Hall Gathering Room
Suggested Donation: $5
Please bring your own yoga mat.
All are welcome.

The Red Door Thrift Shop
Weekly News

Dawn Jex, Red Door Manager

Dawn Jex

Hello my favorite volunteers in the world! 

As some of you may already know, Barry and I have been moved forward in the habitat housing selection process. The next step is a home visit tomorrow morning at 9am. Since I will be busy doing that tomorrow morning,  Diane Guinn will come open the shop at 9:30 for you Wednesday peeps. I will be down to the shop as soon as our home visit is over. 

Welcome our new Thursday morning cashier! Her name is Claire and she is friends with Tina and Doug from our donations crew. She lives on a power boat in Skyline. So she has lots in common with many of us boaty people. Thank you Claire for making us part of your weekly schedule. 

Music Changes - Research shows that slower, easy listening type of music encourages shoppers to linger and shop longer than a faster paced, quick tempo music. So, my husband and I have set up spotify and a speaker system to try out this theory. We will not be using the CD player for now. Give us a few weeks to try this out to see how we like it. 

Clothing on hangers - On Friday we had quite a few items come to the cash register on a hanger, but without a tag. I’m afraid that shoppers may be removing the tags to hopefully get a lower price. If you are a cashier and you are getting clothing without tags please call me or someone from the back room to put a price on the item. It might be one of our higher price items that someone removed a tag from. Thank you. 

We have a new volunteer named Sean who is going to be testing small electronics for us. There is a bin for these items in the back room. Currently it’s under the clothing to be priced until I can find a more suitable location. Please feel free to put small electronics in his bin - maybe we can even take some stereos and speakers? It would be great if we could expand what we accept to help raise more money. 

Display folks - please refrain from putting outfits up next to our big full length mirror. We only have one for the clients to check out their reflection and hanging clothing in this area makes it so that they cannot see themselves. We have loads of other locations in which to hang pretty outfits. Thank you. 

The February calendars are printed and on the bulletin board for you.

Love y’all!
Dawn Jex

Christ Church’s Red Door Thrift Shop is located at 1019 Seventh Street in Anacortes.
Red Door Thrift Shop

Red Door Shopping Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm

Red Door Donation Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 10am – 1pm
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm

Profits generated at the Red Door Thrift Shop fund Christ Church’s Community Support program.
Shoppers, Volunteers, & Donations are always welcome!

Day by Day

Day by Day daily devotions may be accessed at the following link:
Day by Day Daily Devotion.

Prayer List

John & Mary
Tony & family, Brendan, and Jennifer, family & friends of Mary


A Joyful Noise February 2025


Weekly Update 17 January 2025