Weekly Update 31 January 2025
The Rev. Courtney Jones
On the Presentation and the Role of Empathy in Discipleship
The Reverend
Courtney Jones
If you haven’t taken your Christmas tree down yet, Sunday, February 2nd is pretty well the last day I can continue giving you a good excuse for that. In some traditions, Christmas decor would stay up for 40 days after Christmas and would be taken down at the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord, which is February 2nd. This year, February 2nd happens to fall on a Sunday, and it also happens to be a feast day that can “bump” a regular Sunday. So this year, we’ll “bump” the Fourth Sunday of Epiphany to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation. Hello, Presentation, goodbye, Christmas tree.
But what is the Presentation?
The Presentation is a feast 40 days after Christmas commemorating Jesus’ parents “presenting him” to the Temple as required by Torah.
Christ Haslam, describes the backdrop for our Gospel reading (Luke 2:22-40), like this:
"After childbirth, it was 40 days before a mother could be purified before a priest in the Temple, so it is at least that long since Jesus’ birth. She was expected to offer a lamb, along with a turtledove or a pigeon; if she were poor (as Mary is), two turtledoves or pigeons sufficed. Exodus 13:1-2 required that every firstborn boy be consecrated to God. Jesus’ presentation in the Temple is like Samuel’s. Jesus and his family fulfill the requirements of Mosaic law."
Two things that I personally think are worth reflecting on:
(1) Jesus was an observant Jew, born to observant Jews. I think sometimes, because we are Christians, we tend to think of Jesus being a Christian “like us.” Jesus’ earthly life has a context. Which is to say: Jesus was born in a certain time, in a certain place, as part of a certain people group. It is significant for Jesus to be born to Jewish parents in Roman-occupied Palestine.
(2) Jesus was a poor man, born to poor parents. I think it’s almost harder for us to think about Jesus being poor than it is for us to think about Jesus being Jewish. But Jesus was never materially rich. In a culture where material wealth is often associated with wisdom, I think that’s significant.
Why do I think these two things are important details? Because I’m a comparatively wealthy member of a majority group in the most powerful country in the world. These factors are barriers to my understanding of Jesus’ earthly life. One way that I can rectify this is to seek teachers who occupy social conditions closer to that of Jesus than mine. I can seek teachers among the marginalized. Among those who live in occupied lands. Among those who are poor. Being open to learning to empathize with the plight of other people helps me to more fully know Jesus. Empathy, as it turns out, is an important tool of a Christian life.
Sunday Services
Sunday, 2 February 2025
The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple
Year C
Chandler’s Square Morning Prayer
9:30 am
Chandler’s Square Retirement Community
1300 “O” Avenue, Anacortes
Presider: John Okerman
Christ Church Holy Eucharist
10:30 am
Christ Church Sanctuary
1216 Seventh Street, Anacortes
The service is also available on YouTube.
Presider: The Rev. Courtney Jones
Deacon: The Rev. Vicki Johnson
Homilist: Tom Young
Eucharistic Minister: Jason Wells
Readers: Grace Minton, Jim Minton
Ushers: Diane Guinn, John Guinn
Altar Guild: Mary Gronholt, Val Long
Bread Ministry: Jim Minton
Organist: Lynne Berg
Eucharistic Visitor: Shirley Barrett
Coffee Hour Host: Charlene Corbin
Malachi 3:1-4
Psalm 24:7-10
Hebrews 2:14-18
Luke 2:22-40
Readings may be found in the Episcopal Lectionary.
H 436 - Lift Up Your Heads
H 257 - O Zion, Open Wide Thy Gates
H 517 - How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place
H 324 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
H 25 - O Gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christ
Bulletin link 02/02/2025
YouTube Sunday Service Link
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour follows the service. All are welcome.
Faith Formation Class
A new faith formation series with Rev. Courtney begins this Sunday, February 2.
Class meets at 12:30 pm
This Sunday's Class:
Breaking Bread
Will you continue in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers? A discussion of the way Episcopalians worship - why do we do Eucharist? What does it mean? How does it work?
More information is available in the February Joyful Noise and at: https://sites.google.com/view/iwillwithgodshelp/home
A Joyful Noise
Find all the February news at A Joyful Noise February 2025.
Youth Group
Youth Group meets on Wednesday, February 12.
6-7:30 pm, beginning with dinner
Parish Hall Gathering Room
All youth in middle school & high school are welcome.
Centering Prayer
Weekly on Wednesdays
1:15 – 1:45 pm
Christ Church Sanctuary
All are welcome to join in this short, simple service: a Scripture reading, twenty minutes of silence, an intercessory prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer.
Questions? Please contact Maggie Collinge.
Men’s Group
The Men’s Group meets weekly on Fridays.
9:00 – 10:00 am
Parish Hall Gathering Room
Questions? Please contact Deacon Eric Johnson.
Yoga Class Cancelled
Yoga Class has been cancelled.
The Red Door Thrift Shop
Weekly News
Dawn Jex, Red Door Manager
Dawn Jex
We are already at the end of January 2025. I can hardly believe it! I’m so glad you all are here with us! We need each and every one of you for your unique gifts and talents.
A quick reminder: Let's be careful about talking politics in the shop. Politics can be very divisive and we want to be a place that is inclusive and loving...so let's just try to avoid that topic ok? I know it’s really challenging to avoid it but let’s do our best. We want ALL volunteers and ALL Shoppers to feel welcome. And I believe we have more in common than differences. What we all have in common is that we love working/shopping at TRD and we love helping others.
Morning Cashiers, when you make your first sale of the morning, a box will pop up that asks if your drawer is $150. Please say yes to this and then continue on with ringing up your customer. This is a new/old step where we are opening and closing the “digital” drawer each day.
For Display folks - Please put most items out for display in the front of the store. Fewer people make it to the back room to shop. So, please push as much merchandise to the front as possible. Be thoughtful though. Not every item goes out front - tools, frames, games can stay in back.
Donation folks, 30 minutes before your shift ends please empty the northwest center bins, garbage cans and goodwill boxes inside the shop and in the shed before you leave. Also fill up all of the hangers in the donation center. Let’s try to leave everything better for the next shift of volunteers. We don't want anyone to have to clean up our mess.
If you are interested in trying a different shift, or if you just want to try something new, I have a shift available for YOU!
Friday morning hard goods pricer. 10am - 12:30am
Cashier Aid spots available Tuesday 11-1, Friday 11-1. Help Cashier, open locked case, greet guests.
Cross-training also available in multiple locations.
We have already raised $750 toward our building expansion project and it’s only been a couple of weeks. We are still in the process of figuring out the best ways to raise funds so thank you for your patience and suggestions. And thank you to those of you who have donated and who are asking their friends to donate. We appreciate you.
In about three weeks, I will be going on a vacation to visit friends in Georgia. Debbie will be in charge on those days. If you do not have her number in your phone yet - it is: 360-685-3493. Please remember to text her if you are going to miss a shift or if you have questions.
That's all I can think of for now, but I normally think of something right after I hit send - LOL.
Love yall! As always, we couldn't do any of this without you.
Dawn Jex
Christ Church’s Red Door Thrift Shop is located at 1019 Seventh Street in Anacortes.
Red Door Thrift Shop
Red Door Shopping Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm
Red Door Donation Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 10am – 1pm
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm
Profits generated at the Red Door Thrift Shop fund Christ Church’s Community Support program.
Shoppers, Volunteers, & Donations are always welcome!
Day by Day
Day by Day daily devotions may be accessed at the following link:
Day by Day Daily Devotion.
Prayer List
John & Mary
Tony & family, Brendan, and Jennifer, family & friends of Mary