Weekly Update 20 September 2024


Tom Young

    Tom Young

This past weekend was a major milestone in the life of our Episcopal Diocese of Olympia. Philip Noah LaBelle was ordained and consecrated to be our new bishop! I was there, along with almost 1,000 brothers and sisters in Christ. Many from Christ Church made the long drive down to Bellevue. Three of us (Greg Bobbin, Maggie Collinge and I) sang in the choir, which was about 200 voices strong. The tenor section alone (in which I sang) was as big as our average Sunday morning attendance. Here are just a few of the highlights of the service for me:

                  LaBelle Family

  • The “portable” pipe organ played by St. Mark’s organist Michael Kleinschmidt. The sound coming from it was amazing!

  • St. John’s South Sudanese Parish choir and drummers performing during the prelude and the Holy Eucharist. They were wonderful. I felt them sing and drum.

  • For the Beauty of the Earth by John Rutter, an anthem I’ve sung before and knew well. Always joyful, moving, energizing.

  • A deeply emotional and dynamic setting of When I Survey the Wondrous Cross by Gilbert Martin.

  • The procession of the many Diocesan banners, Siriana Simonsen grandly carrying ours.

  • The choir anthem Total Praise, which we sang near the beginning of the actual service, shortly after 11:00. I could not sing when we got to the Amens near the end because I was too overcome with the Spirit. A thin place when the veil between our world and Glory was . . . translucent? If I were not surrounded by 199 choristers singing shoulder-to-shoulder, I would’ve completely melted.

  • The hymn O God Beyond All Praising, sung by all, with a rousing brass introduction. The melody is from Gustav Holst’s Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity, one of the movements in Holst’s orchestral suite The Planets. Jupiter is one of my favorite pieces of music; always lifts me to the heights. To sing this tune with inspiring words in a choir of effectively 1,000+ ¾ what can I say? Another thin place! I was ready for God to beam me up!

  • The thought-provoking, well-delivered sermon given by the Very Reverend Pamela Werntz, Emmanuel Church in Boston MA.

  • Bishop LaBelle’s charming family (see photo) who stood by him as he was ordained and consecrated by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Provisional Bishop Melissa Skelton, and many other bishops who came from far and wide.

I close with the words from the Total Praise:

Lord, I will lift mine eyes to the hills
Knowing my help is coming from You
Your peace, You give me in time of the storm

You are the source of my strength
You are the strength of my life
I lift my hands in total praise to You


The consecration service can be seen on YouTube at
The Ordination & Consecration of Bishop Philip LaBelle


Sunday Services

Sunday, 22 September 2024
The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Year B Proper 20

Chandler’s Square Morning Prayer
9:30 am
Chandler’s Square Retirement Community
1300 “O” Avenue, Anacortes
Presider: June Cook

Christ Church Morning Prayer

10:30 am
Christ Church Sanctuary
1216 Seventh Street, Anacortes
The service is also available on YouTube.

Season of Creation
Our celebration of Season of Creation continues through October 6.

Presider & Homilist: The Rev. Vicki Johnson
Readers: Jason Wells, Tierney Wells
Ushers: Diane Guinn, John Guinn
Altar Guild: Mary Gronholt
Organist: Lynne Berg
Coffee Hour Host: Grace Minton

Jeremiah 11:18-20
Psalm 54
James 3:13 - 4:3, 7-8a
Mark 9:30-37
Readings may be found in the Episcopal Lectionary.
We are currently using Track 2.

H 8 - Morning Has Broken
H 654 - Day by Day
H 405 - All Things Bright and Beautiful
H 390 - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Bulletin link 9/22/2024
YouTube Sunday Service Link

Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour follows the service.
Please join in. All are welcome.

A Visit from an Old Friend
Former congregant Clark McKee is visiting the Anacortes area and will be attending this Sunday’s service. We will all have a chance to visit with him at the Coffee Hour following the service. He is looking forward to saying hello to all his old friends at Christ Church.


A Joyful Noise September 2024

Find all the September news at A Joyful Noise September 2024.

Potluck for Democracy Planning Meeting

The Rev. Eric Johnson

      The Rev.
   Eric Johnson

Monday, September 23
Parish Hall Gathering Room

We will join with a number of other churches, Kiwanians, and the unchurched for a meeting on Monday, September 23, at Christ Church, to begin planning for a Potluck for Democracy. These potlucks arise from an effort— headed by Pastor Terry Kyllo—called Paths to Understanding, whose mission is to bridge bias and build unity through multi-faith peacemaking. 

Pastor Terry states that the reason for holding a Potluck for Democracy arises from the understanding that seventy percent of US citizens say they are anxious about the divisiveness in our country. Increasing numbers of people of all ideologies support or are willing to engage in political violence. Some public leaders are actively sanctioning violence. Many in our community want to do something but don’t know what to do.

Wisdom communities like churches, mosques, and temples, and other community groups can make a difference by inviting neighbors to a Potluck for Democracy. When people of diverse cultures, traditions, and identities gather together in public, people in the larger community breathe a sigh of relief. They begin to hope that we are not as divided as we feared and that we can relate to each other as human beings.

Youth Group

Wednesday, September 25
6-7:30 pm, beginning with dinner
Parish Hall Gathering Room
All Youth in Middle School & High School are welcome.

We use the Journey to Adulthood (J2A) youth ministry program, endorsed by the Episcopal Church. The lessons are organized around self, society, and spirituality. Youth Group Leaders are Melissa Simonsen, Mark Perschbacher, and The Rev. Courtney Jones.

Memorial Service

The congregation is invited to a Memorial Service for Larry Collinge.
Friday, October 4
Christ Church Sanctuary
A Reception in the Parish Hall will follow.

Blessing of the Animals

  There will be treats!

Sunday, October 6
Following the 10:30 am service

Please bring your beloved pet to Christ Church for a Blessing! You may also bring a photo of your pet to be blessed.
Presider: The Rev. Courtney Jones

Blessing Certificates & Treats!

All are welcome.

Fall Discernment Series:
Who Are the Ministers of the Church?

Our Fall Discernment series continues on October 20.
Following the 10:30 am service
Parish Hall Conference Room
Facilitator: The Rev. Courtney Jones

Find all the information at
Who Are the Ministers of the Church?

Community Support Meeting

Friday, November 1
Parish Hall Gathering Room & Zoom

Church congregants and Red Door Thrift Shop volunteers are invited to join Community Support Chair Deacon Eric Johnson in developing a recommendation for distribution of funds through Christ Church’s Community Support Program. This recommendation will be passed on to the Bishop’s Committee who will, at their November meeting, vote to provide funding to various community organizations.

Funding for Christ Church’s Community Support Program is provided entirely by the profits generated at the Red Door Thrift Shop.

Centering Prayer

Weekly on Wednesdays
1:15 – 1:45 pm
Christ Church Sanctuary
All are welcome to join in this short, simple service: a Scripture reading, twenty minutes of silence, an intercessory prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer.
Questions? Please contact Maggie Collinge.

Men’s Group

The Men’s Group meets weekly on Fridays.
9:00 – 10:00 am
Parish Hall Gathering Room
Questions? Please contact Deacon Eric Johnson.

The Red Door Thrift Shop

Christ Church’s Red Door Thrift Shop is located at 1019 Seventh Street in Anacortes.
Red Door Thrift Shop

Red Door Shopping Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm

Red Door Donation Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 10am – 1pm
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10am – 3pm

Profits generated at the Red Door Thrift Shop fund Christ Church’s Community Support program.
Shoppers, Volunteers, & Donations are always welcome!

Day by Day

Day by Day daily devotions may be accessed at the following link:
Day by Day Daily Devotion.

Prayer List

Carolyn, friend of Sandy
Sally K.
John & Mary
Tony & family, & Brendan, family & friends of Mary


Weekly Update 13 September 2024