Ministry Support Circle

In 2024, Christ Church’s Ministry Support Circle comprises one “mainstream” priest, who is an employee of the church, and six Total Common Ministry members: two vocational deacons and four additional members. In addition to the work of our deacons, the additional TCM members provide support in the areas of pastoral care, faith formation, spiritual development, youth leadership, and administration.

Serving Christ Church as priest is Reverend Courtney Jones.

Our vocational deacons are Reverend Deacon Eric Johnson and Reverend Deacon Vicki Johnson.

Serving in Christ Church’s Ministry Support Circle in a lay capacity are June Cook, who serves as Pastoral Leader for Administration, Melissa Simonsen, serving as Youth Leader and providing ministry support, and Diane Canington and Maggie Collinge, who provide ministry support.

Ministry Support Circle meetings are forums for discussion of concerns of the church community, leadership and ministry development, and planning for the future. The Circle acts as spiritual leaven, encouraging and supporting new ministries and leaders as the gifts of each person are recognized. Areas of responsibility for the clergy are planning and execution of the Holy Eucharist, ministering to the sick and to those with confidential concerns, and hiring and review of paid employee performance, among others. Circle members may have gifts for teaching, preaching, music, community outreach, pastoral care, administration, and supporting ministries of congregants.